Louisiana Long-Term Community Recovery planning is about developing a sustainable, long-term vision for storm-affected communities so that rebuilding will provide better protection for Louisiana citizens, improve our communities and preserve those things most treasured by our people. LTCR planning in Louisiana is a partnership between the Louisiana Recovery Authority (LRA) and the U. S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency LTCR team. The LRA is Governor Kathleen Blanco’s leadership team for Louisiana recovery.
As the cornerstone for the state’s overall recovery planning strategy, the LTCR planning process is assisting Louisiana government and community leadership in identifying high recovery value projects that can make the most of the recovery dollars to be invested in communities and the state. Parish teams that include state and federal planning partners were established across southern Louisiana and worked with local governments to develop customized recovery planning products and processes that are heavily dependent upon public input. More than 400 professionals were brought to the state through this partnership to work on Louisiana’s recovery effort.